
来源 :湖南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:malsway
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今年本省早稻已获普遍豐收,中稻也豐收在望。目前早稻收購工作正進入緊張階段,有的縣早稻日收量已超過歷史上最高的收購水平;中稻收購也很快就要開始,收購工作將更趨緊張繁重。但目前許多地區的糧食部門對這种情况估計不足,仍以通常觀念來對待這個問題。在早稻收購當中,因事先沒有充分做好準備,有些地區已先後發生調運不灵,倉容缺乏,露天存放糧食,或者資金脫節,農民售糧後開給臨時收據的現象,部分收購點並因此而停止了收購。在合理組織勞力送糧、安全入庫等方面也存在不少問題。此外,由於對收購人員缺乏經常的政治思想教育,羣眾觀點薄弱,在過磅、記碼、驗質、付款等技術工作中也不斷發生差錯。以上這些問題在不少地區已引起農民的不滿,并已在一定程度上損害了農民的售粮積極性,給當前收購工作帶來了損失,如不迅即採取措施加以解决,結果必將影響農民的生產與生活情緒,使國家提前掌握新糧的計劃難以順利實现,造成糧食的損失與浪費, This year, early rice has been widely bred in this province, but also bumper harvest in sight. At present, the acquisition of early rice is entering a tense phase. In some counties, the daily intake of early rice has surpassed the highest level in history. The acquisition of Zhongya will soon begin and the acquisition will become more and more tense. However, the food sector in many regions is currently under-estimated in this situation and the issue is still being treated in the usual sense. In the acquisition of early rice, due to lack of adequate preparation in advance, in some areas, disproportionate storage capacity, lack of storage capacity, open storage of grain, or out-of-date funds and the temporary receipts of peasants’ sales of grain after the sale of grain have occurred in some areas and some Stop the acquisition. In the reasonable organization of labor to send food, storage and other aspects of security there are many problems. In addition, due to the lack of regular political and ideological education for purchasers, the public opinion is weak and errors continue to occur in technical work such as weighing, code, quality inspection and payment. These problems have aroused the dissatisfaction of peasants in many areas and have, to a certain extent, undermined the enthusiasm of peasants in selling grain and caused losses to the current acquisition. If they do not take prompt measures to solve the problems, they will inevitably affect peasants The mood of production and life makes it difficult for the government to smoothly grasp the plan of new grain in advance, resulting in the loss and waste of grain,
  以南宁市凤岭地区为例,针对低山丘陵地区的场地特征,按照"因地制宜师法自然 融合共生"的规划思路,从功能定位、道路系统、开敞空间、生态系统、城市景观等角度对低山丘陵地
前不久,在海尔洲际酒店举行的圣诞晚会上,华丽的表演吸引着所有的来宾,有一位长者自始至终手持相机聚精会神的摄取每一个精彩的瞬间。看那专注的样子,我在想:一个人如果有这样一种精神,有这般毅力,又这样投入和执着,不论干什么,岂有不成功的道理?有人介绍,他叫陈俊功,已是七十开外的人了,学摄影才半年时间,还得过奖,很快就要与他人办联展了。  从他的作品中看得出,陈老先生短短的半年去过不少的地方,登过黄山,去
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