德正的右腿突然肿起来是在 6月中旬的一天。当时他正在里间客厅的简易床上午睡 ,因为这一年天旱 ,外屋的阳光强烈得实在让人受不了。 5点以后天气转凉了一些 ,德正睡得很香 ,但隐隐约约感觉右腿有些发热 ,睁开眼一看 ,膝盖下的小腿竟然肿得跟木桶一般粗。德正慌忙起身想看个究
Germany right leg suddenly swollen in mid-June one day. At that time he was napping in the bed in the living room, because of the drought this year, the sun in the outbuilding was so intense that it was unbearable. The weather turned cooler after 5 o’clock, Germany is sleeping very fragrant, but vaguely feel some fever right leg, opened his eyes and saw the knee under the calf actually swollen thick with the barrel. Germany is hurried to get up to see the study