【摘 要】
Through the analysis of the parameters and working conditions of the original circular saw cutter when cutting the thin-walled steel pipe, the basic principle and method of designing and manufacturing the saw blade cutter which only changes the tool rake angle and other parameters are found and solved A continuous high-speed steel pipe cut off the mouth of the quality problems
薇诺娜·瑞德出生于美国明尼苏达州威诺纳市,坎坷的星途令她身上有一股反叛和自信的力量,其近期作品有《纽约的秋天》、《迪兹先生》、《西蒙妮》、《移魂女郎》等。 1971年10月29日,薇诺娜·瑞德在美国明尼苏达州威诺纳市出生,父母用生活的小镇为她取名,无疑是期望薇诺娜的未来生活像这块地方一样宁静温馨。 没想到薇诺娜的经历却同这美好的期望背道而驰。由于父母是介于“垮掉的一代”与嬉皮士之间的人物,薇诺
Yang Dacai never thought he would be vilified by the public, but his taste for expensive watches became the target of outrage on the Internet. It started with a picture: 55-year-old Yang, head of th
THIS year marks the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan; but it has turned out to be the coldest year in bilateral relations between the two countries
清朝史学家刘凤诰(1761~1830),字丞牧,号金门,江西萍乡人。乾隆朝探花及第。官至吏部侍郎。续成《五代史补注》,另有《存悔斋集》、《楹联四话》等。刘凤诰才思纵横,涉笔成趣。有人以佳纸求撰寿联,正好凤诰在书桌上写字,因问:"生于何时?"答以"十一月十一日",即写此六字于纸。其人甚怒而不敢言。凤诰复问:"高寿多少?",答曰:"八十。"遂又写"八千春八千秋。"其人乃大喜,称谢而去。 上联切生长。
NANCHANG, capital of Jiangxi Province, is officially listed as a low-ranking second-tier Chinese city, but through innovation and taking advantage of its own conditions, the city has found a unique wa