干燥综合征(sicca syndrome,SS)是以外分泌腺损害为主的一种慢性炎性自身免疫性疾病。1892年Micklicz首先报告本病,1933年Sjogren进行了较详细的研究,故又称Micklicz-Sjogren综合征。本病多见于女性,且多在中年以后发病。常因泪腺及唾液腺萎缩,泪液及唾液分泌减少而发生眼干、口干以及干燥性角膜结膜炎和口腔炎。上呼吸道、上消化道、阴道等处粘膜也可因腺体分泌减少而干燥。由于病变可波及皮肤、肌肉、血管、肺、肾、网状内皮等系统和器官,故可出现多系统和多器官损害的症状。约40~60%的患者合并其它结缔组织疾病或自身免疫性疾病,其中又以类风
Sick syndrome (SS) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterized by exocrine gland damage. Micklicz first reported the disease in 1892, and in 1933 Sjogren conducted a more detailed study, it is also known as Micklicz-Sjogren syndrome. The disease more common in women, and more in middle age later onset. Often due to the contraction of the lacrimal gland and salivary glands, tear and salivary secretion decreased occurred dry eyes, dry mouth and dry keratoconjunctivitis and stomatitis. Upper respiratory tract, upper digestive tract, vagina and other mucosa can also be reduced due to glandular secretion and dry. As the lesions can spread to the skin, muscle, blood vessels, lungs, kidneys, reticuloendothelial system and organs, it can appear multiple system and multiple organ damage symptoms. About 40 to 60% of patients with other connective tissue diseases or autoimmune diseases, which in turn wind-like