做好市场调查 确定企业定位——大陆蝴蝶兰市场分析与预测

来源 :中国花卉园艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jenkiy0
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除一品红外,兰花产业是世界上第二大花卉产业。8大兰属中,真正形成专业化、规模化、商品化生产的只有蝴蝶兰属。2002年全球仅蝴蝶兰植株出口产值就达2300万美元(不包括瓶苗、切花),其中我国台湾为1800余万美元。近几年,台湾外销至美国的蝴蝶兰盆花,在美国市场上已超越一品红盆花,高居市场销售第一名。因此,蝴蝶兰市场具有广阔的发展前景。 In addition to poinsettia, orchid industry is the world’s second largest flower industry. 8 Grand genus, the real formation of specialized, large-scale, commercial production of the only moth orchid. In 2002, the output of the world’s only Phalaenopsis plants reached 23 million U.S. dollars (excluding bottle sprouts and cut flowers), of which Taiwan was 1,800 million U.S. dollars. In recent years, the phalaenopsis flowers exported from Taiwan to the United States have surpassed the poinsettia pots in the U.S. market and topped the market. Therefore, Phalaenopsis market has broad prospects for development.