【摘 要】
China is under Shaq Attack, and that's all right with Li-Ning.
China is under Shaq Attack, and that's all right with Li-Ning.
Seven million. That's the numver of tickets the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the 29th Olympiad (BOCOG)expects to sell to audiences flooding into the capital during the Olypics in 2008
A Chinese economist recently said that a widening income gap isunavoidable in China, tringgering various responses from the public.
Anew milestone in the history of China-Africa relations will be created when African leaders gather in Beijing with their Chinese counterparts for the first summit of the Forum on China-Africa Coopera
In recent years, the energy situation hasincreasingly becomc an unfavorable ele-mcnt in the development of China-Indiarelations. The two countries have workedout and implemented their own energystrate
Back in 1999, Li Xinghao was on theverge of suffering the financial fall-out of having no booth for his com-pany, Chigo Group, at the ChineseExport Commodities Fair (CECF).
Jeremy Su’s resume glows:President, Hypercom CorporationAsia-Pacific: General Manager, SunMicrosystems China; President,Bull Information Systems GreaterChina Operation, ct cetera, ct cetera.
Ater 23 tounds of negotiations in thepast two yesrs,
In terms Of time,Beijing is drawingever closer to the 2008Olympic Games,with just two ycars to go.In terms of space,anew“Olympic City”has initially taken shape as the Olympicblueprint materializes in
The more strubgent macroreconomicadjustment measures China put inplac eearlier this year appear not to have hindered the growth and well-being of the country's enterprises.
As Chinese commercial banks retreatfrom the rural market,