
来源 :邮电企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ruiming123
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我们当前面临的改革形势是:农村改革冲击城市、沿海14个城市的开放对山西也有冲击;特别是山西作为国家能源重化工基地改革的步子也很快,对邮电的需求必将越来越迫切。在这种形势下,改革必须加快。邮电改革,目的是为探索出一条中国式的、适合邮电特点、符合山西实际的发展邮电事业的新路子,从而确保改善服务质量、增强通信能力、提高经济效益三大任务的完成,更好地为山西能源重化工基地建设和广大用户服务。为此改革必须遵循几条原则。首先要坚持实事求是的思想路线,做到一切从实际出发。一方面要讲究实效,不搞形式主义,要因地制宜,不搞一刀切;另一方面要抓住通信实际和通信生产 The current reform situation we are facing is that the rural reform has hit the cities and the opening up of 14 cities along the coast has also had an impact on Shanxi. In particular, as the pace of reform of Shanxi’s national energy and heavy chemical industry base is also fast, the demand for post and telecommunications will surely become more and more urgent . In this situation, the reform must be accelerated. The purpose of the postal and telecommunications reform is to find out a new Chinese way that is suitable for posts and televisions and is in line with the actual development of post and telecommunications in Shanxi so as to ensure the completion of the three tasks of improving service quality, enhancing communication capacity and improving economic efficiency. For the construction of Shanxi Energy Heavy Chemical Industry Base and the vast number of users. To this end, the reform must follow several principles. First of all, we must adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, so that everything should proceed from reality. On the one hand, we should pay attention to actual results, do not engage in formalism, we must act according to local conditions and do not pursue a one-size-fits-all approach. On the other hand, we must seize the reality of communications and the production of telecommunications
应用质子激发X射线分析的方法对急性淋巴细胞白血病小白鼠肝脏和脾脏中痕量元素的变化进行了研究。给出了实验组和对照组小白鼠肝脏和脾脏中K,Ca,Ti,Fe,Cu,Zn和 The change
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在我们家,不但6岁的女儿爱看动画片,我这个已过而立之年的成年人也对动画片十分着迷。为生计奔波一天回到家里,坐在沙发上,泡上一杯清茶,与女儿一起看动画片,那快捷的画面切换、离奇跌宕的故事情节、丰富的想象空间,使疲惫的身心很快就会得到恢复。对孩子来说,学习之余看一会儿动画片,对松弛紧张的大脑,启发智力,提高想象力,是有益处的。  然而,任何事情都有一个度,超过了度,往往就走向了良好愿望的反面。女儿一看