小而美的欧缔兰(Alcantara)或许可以被称为意大利品质的典范,听听其主席兼首席执行官博拉诺怎么说博拉诺(Andrea Boragno)身材高大魁梧,举手投足有意大利男人的帅气,更有好莱坞电影里教父般的霸气。初次接触,很难将他与欧缔兰(Alcantara)柔美的名字联系在一起。因此,一上来,我们就从欧缔兰的名字聊起。名字果然大有来头。Alcantara,取自阿拉伯语,“桥”的意思,难以想象当初创始人为何取这个名字,但是博拉诺发挥合理想象,希望欧缔兰能够成为其合作伙伴成功到达彼岸的一座桥梁。
The small, beautiful Alcantara may well be called a model of Italian quality and hear how its president and CEO, Bolano, said tall and burly Andrea Boragno is a handsome, More Godfather domineering in Hollywood movies. For the first time, it was hard to associate him with the gentle name of Alcantara. So, as soon as we came up, we talked about the name of the European Union. The name really promising. Alcantara, taken from Arabic, means “Bridge.” It is inconceivable why the original founders gave the name, but Bolanor made the best of his imagination and hoped that Orlan could become a bridge through which its partners could successfully reach the other side.