
来源 :甘肃理论学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jcfasd123
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1901年到1919年是中国近代思想发展的一个过渡时期。辛亥革命的根本目标是要建立资产阶级的民主共和国,围绕这一主线,思想界发生了巨大的变化。首先是对中国传统的天命观和封建礼教的批判,这一批判又涉及到对孔子的评价;其次,是对中国国民性的改造,梁启超、麦孟华等对奴隶性的批判,最早提出了树立国民意识,而要树立一种新的国民意识,又涉及到科学、无神论与有神论的斗争,文化革新方针的争论;最后,孙中山的三民主义思想对资产阶级民主革命进行了全面的思想论述。 From 1901 to 1919 is a transitional period of the development of modern Chinese thought. The fundamental goal of the 1911 Revolution was to establish a bourgeois democratic republic. Around this main line, tremendous changes have taken place in the world of thought. The first is a critique of the traditional Chinese outlook on fame and fortune and feudal ethics. This critique also deals with the evaluation of Confucius. Second, it is the transformation of Chinese nationality. The criticism of slaveness by Liang Qichao and Mai Menghua was first proposed In order to establish national consciousness, we must establish a new national consciousness and involve disputes over scientific, atheistic and theistic deeds and cultural innovations. Finally, Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People conducted a comprehensive ideological discourse on the bourgeois democratic revolution.