甘蔗组织培养技术的应用为甘蔗品种的快速繁殖和良种推广提供了有效的手段,而浅层培养作为植物组培技术的一种,可为完善甘蔗组培苗增殖培养提供不同的解决途径,在不降低增殖效果的前提下,降低培养基的使用量,从而降低生产成本。本试验在使用相同配方[MS液体培养基(30 g/L的蔗糖+1 mg/L 6-BA+0.1mg/L NAA)p H 6.0]、不同容量的培养基对甘蔗组培苗进行增殖培养,并观察对比其增殖效果,以确认浅层培养是否具有较好的增殖效果。结果表明:在增殖F2~F5代的培养中,果酱瓶中加入10 m L容量的液体培养基较常用的20 m L容量的液体培养基增殖效果明显。
Sugarcane tissue culture technology for the rapid propagation of sugarcane varieties and the promotion of improved varieties provide an effective means, and shallow culture as a plant tissue culture technology, can improve the proliferation of sugarcane tissue culture to provide different solutions, in Without reducing the proliferation of the premise, reduce the amount of medium used, thereby reducing production costs. In this experiment, the same formula [MS liquid medium (30 g / L sucrose +1 mg / L 6-BA + 0.1 mg / L NAA) p H 6.0] Cultured, and observed the proliferation of its effect compared to confirm whether the shallow culture has a good proliferation. The results showed that the liquid medium with volume of 10 m L had more obvious proliferation effects than the liquid medium with the capacity of 20 m L.