中国锻造协会会长何光远同志于1987年5月12日下午在中国锻协常务理事会上作了重要讲话,现将讲话摘要整理如下: “……从内心讲,锻协我是支持的我亦愿为锻协多做些工作,这次锻协召开常务理事会,上午因有事没有参加,委托秘书长主持会议。会议开得很好,大家发表了很好的意见。锻协成立快一年了,是在摸索中前进,亦遇到了不少困难。热加工行业都有困难,而锻造行业的困难可能更大些。我是搞锻造的,在工厂当了二十多年厂长,体会是很深的。首先是材料供应不足,所以我说锻
In the afternoon of May 12, 1987, Comrade He Guangyuan, President of the China Forge Association, delivered an important speech at the standing committee of the China Forging Association. The summary of the speech is as follows: “... from the heart, I’m supportive of the Forge Association. We are willing to do more work for the Forging Association. This time, the Forging Association held a standing council. In the morning, because it did not participate in the matter, it entrusted the Secretary-General to preside over the meeting. The meeting was well-opened and everyone expressed very good opinions. In the process of exploration, we have also encountered many difficulties. The heat processing industry has difficulties, and the forging industry may have more difficulties. I was forged, and I worked as a factory manager for more than 20 years in the factory. It is very deep. First of all, there is insufficient material supply, so I say forging