能源价格不通过市场确定就无法反映出资源稀缺的程度 2006年的改革是从天然气涨价开始的。这就拉开了能源价格攻关的战役。说起来,我们95%以上的商品价格都放开了,但一直没有放开的却是最关键商品的价格。就品种而言,这些商品占不到 5%,但就重要程度而言,却是极不成比例的。在这些没放开价格的商品中主要是能源,包括煤炭、电力、天然气、石油,等等。这些商品的价格或者仍实行双轨制,或者完全由政府定价,已不能适应市场经济改革的需求。
The price of energy can not reflect the degree of resource scarcity without being determined by the market The reform in 2006 started with the price hike of natural gas. This opened the battle for energy price research. All told, more than 95% of our prices have been let loose, but the prices of the most crucial items have not been released. In terms of variety, these products account for less than 5%, but disproportionately, in terms of importance. Among these commodities that have not been released, they are mainly energy, including coal, electricity, natural gas, petroleum and so on. The prices of these commodities, which are still subject to double-track pricing or are totally priced by the government, can no longer meet the needs of market-oriented reforms.