全固态PDM中波发射机以其效率高、工作稳定可靠及维护成本低等诸多优点受到人们好评,但其突出的缺点是耐高温和抗冲击能力差。我台1KW PDM机曾遭受强雷击袭击,以致出现故障。现将我和同事们参与的一起雷击故障排除方法及原因分析,提供给大家作参考,不当之处请指正。故障现象:在
The all-solid state PDM medium wave transmitter is highly praised for its advantages of high efficiency, stable and reliable operation and low maintenance cost. However, its outstanding disadvantage is its high temperature resistance and poor impact resistance. My Taiwan 1KW PDM machine has been hit by strong lightning strikes, resulting in failure. Now I and my colleagues involved in a lightning troubleshooting and analysis of causes, for your reference, please correct me wrong. Symptoms: in