阿里巴巴平台上的供应商涉嫌国际欺诈,CEO卫哲等数位高管引咎辞职。刮骨疗伤的举动背后,是价值观重振?趁机换帅?抑或是战略调整的征兆?2011年2月21日,阿里巴巴B2B公司宣布,承认在2009年和2010年两年间,分别有1219名及1107名签约的“中国供应商”(Gold supplier)
Alibaba platform suppliers suspected of international fraud, CEO David Wei and other executives stepped down. Behind the scraping bone healing move is the value of revitalization? Opportunity coaching change or a sign of strategic adjustment? February 21, 2011, Alibaba B2B company announced that in 2009 and 2010, two years admitted that there are 1219 And 1107 signed “China supplier” (Gold supplier)