纾困解难 促进拆船业可持续发展

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据中国拆船协会统计,今年1—4月,国内拆船企业成交各类废钢船总量74.5万轻吨,同比下降10.2%,回收废金属资源量约为67万吨。其中,进口废船成交量下降尤为迅速,同比减少了48%。得益于国内废船成交量同比增长近四倍,减缓下降速度,使得前四个月的废钢船总成交量没有出现陡然下滑现象。应该说,进入2014年,拆船业仍受上一年市场环境的困扰,延续颓势,步履维艰。2013年,受国内外经济发展持续放缓,航运市场低迷依旧,老旧船舶淘汰报废市场活 According to the statistics of China Ship Recycling Association, from January to April this year, the domestic ship recycling enterprises handled a total of 745,000 tons of various types of scrap vessels, down 10.2% from the same period of last year, and the scrap metal resources recovered amounted to about 670,000 tons. Among them, the volume of imports of waste shipments decreased particularly rapidly, down 48%. Benefiting from the fact that the volume of domestic scrap vessels increased almost four times over the same period of last year, the rate of decline slowed down so that the total volume of scrap vessels in the first four months did not drop sharply. It should be said that entering 2014, the ship recycling industry is still troubled by the market environment of the previous year, continuing the downward trend and struggling with difficulties. In 2013, due to the sustained slowdown in economic development both at home and abroad, the downturn in the shipping market remained unchanged. The old ships eliminated the scrapped market