美籍华人、世界著名的中国绘画鉴赏和收藏大师王己干先生于今年7月3日在纽约去世,享年97岁。 连日来,纽约的艺术界人士缅怀追忆这位为东西方艺术交流做出贡献的老人。7月11日,数百位博物馆官员、艺术鉴赏和收藏家以及王己千的家人亲友聚集在曼哈顿西81街的殡仪馆,向他的遗体告别。中国上海书画院、中国驻纽约总领事馆等机构以及在台湾的张大千家人也向追思会发来唁电。
Mr. Wang Jigan, a Chinese American and a world renowned master of Chinese painting appreciation and collection, died in New York on July 3 this year at the age of 97. In recent days, art circles in New York have remembered the old man who made his contribution to the exchange of East and West art. On July 11, hundreds of museum officials, art appreciation and collectors, and relatives and friends of family and friends gathered at the funeral home on West 81th Street in Manhattan to bid farewell to his body. China Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Institute, the Chinese Consulate General in New York and other agencies as well as the Zhang Daqian family in Taiwan also send telegrams to the memorial service.