Residents are exposed mainly to natural exposure and medical exposure. Other sources of exposure (nuclear testing and environmental pollution from nuclear power plant discharges, occupational exposure, etc.) account for a very small percentage of the total dose. In recent years, with the ICRP putting forward the linear and non-threshold assumption of ionizing radiation biology, great attention has been paid to the study of residents exposed to the main radiation sources. The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for protective measures, the significance of which is not limited to the size of the irradiated dose, but also to explore the practical possibility of dose control. The dose of natural ionizing radiation sources accounts for the largest share of the total inhabitants dose. The average effective dose equivalent of natural radiation sources is estimated to be about 2 mSv · a -1 by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). Given the magnitude of the dose caused by most natural sources, it is possible to control the magnitude of human activity. The following discussion of the different characteristics of the various radiation sources.