惠州持爆炸物劫持大客车案 2003年4月25日8时许,歹徒郑国民携带由6只雷管、 28根硝铵炸药、20公升汽油构成的自制爆炸装置,劫持了由普宁汽车总站发往深圳的一辆正在行驶的单层豪华大巴车,向车乘人员索要数万元现金。车乘人员与之周旋近3个小时,僵持至惠州淡水镇排坊汽车站被迫停下,司机将售票所得的400 元给予他,换得司乘人员被允许离开客车,但是郑仍独自持炸药在车上不愿离去,声称不给数万元就引爆炸药。10时55分, 排坊汽车站工作入员向110报警。惠州市公安局接报后迅速组织人员前往现场处置,经过两个多小时的谈判,现场处置小组
April 25, 2003 At about 8 am, the gangster Zheng Guomein brought a self-made explosive device consisting of 6 detonators, 28 ammonium nitrate explosives and 20 liters of gasoline, hijacked a vehicle made by Puning Bus Terminal Shenzhen is driving a single-decker luxury bus to the car passengers tens of thousands of dollars in cash. Ride the car and its staff nearly three hours, stalemate to the town of Huizhou, Pai Fau bus station was forced to stop, the driver will be 400 yuan ticket sales to him, in exchange for the crew members were allowed to leave the bus, but Zheng is still alone Explosives in the car do not want to leave, claiming that do not give tens of thousands of dollars to detonate explosives. 10:55, scheduling bus station to work 110 to the police. After receiving the report, Huizhou City Public Security Bureau promptly organized personnel to go to the scene for disposal. After more than two hours of negotiation, the on-site disposal team