重点要抓降成本 关键还得靠自己──全国冶金矿山生产经营座谈会在北京召开【本刊讯】为了贯彻全国冶金工作会议精神,总结回顾“八五”冶金矿山的工作,研究“九五”发展思路和今年的工作任务.冶金部于4月16~18日在北京召开了全国冶金矿山生产经营座谈会。54...
Focus on grasping the key to lowering costs must rely on their own ─ ─ ─ Metallurgical Mine Production and Management Forum held in Beijing [Benxi hearing] In order to implement the spirit of the National Metallurgical Work Conference, review the “85” metallurgical mine work, study “nine Five ”development ideas and tasks this year. The Metallurgical Department held a national seminar on the production and operation of metallurgical mines in Beijing from April 16 to April 18. 54 ...