采取三种方法 增强业务能力

来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heephy
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要提高人武部报账员队伍建设水平要有“三招”:一是要拓宽用人视野,大胆培养和使用职工,增强报账员队伍稳定。人武部应转变用人导向,注意吸收招聘地方财务审汁方面的专业人才,经过必要的任职培训,纳入事业编制,充实到报账员岗位。这样既可以解决人才匮乏选才难的问题。二是要依靠地方力量。完善培养机制,不断提高报账员的业务水平。将报账员的业务培训纳入单位训练计划,与当地财政会计协会、会计、审计中介机构主动联系,采取走出去、请进来的方法,建立定期培训制度,使报账员能够经常与外界进 To improve the construction of the People’s Armed Police Department bookkeeper team to have “three strokes”: First, we should broaden the horizons of employment, boldly train and use workers to enhance the stability of the remuneration team. People’s Armed Forces should change the orientation of employing people, pay attention to recruiting professionals in recruiting local financial auditors, and carry out the necessary post training to include them in the establishment of accounts and enrich the positions of account book reporters. This will solve the problem of talent shortage and talent selection. The second is to rely on local forces. Improve the training mechanism and continually improve the professional level of the reimbursement staff. Integrate the accountant’s business training into the unit training plan, take the initiative to contact with local financial accounting associations, accounting and auditing agencies, take the measures of going out and coming in, and establish a regular training system so that the report-taker can often enter with the outside world
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In terms of the diffusive process of the gases injected from rocket exhaust intothe ionosphere and the relevant chemical reactions between the gases and the co
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