
来源 :中国就业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mylook1028
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——荐言新一届中央领导明确指出,民之所望就是施政所向。本届中央政府更强调:5年的工作千头万绪,集中要抓三件事一持续发展经济、不断改善民生、促进社会公平。这既是中央根据亿万人民群众的期盼所确定的治国大略,也是全国工作的中心和大局。对于就业工作来讲,必须紧紧围绕这个中心,服务这个大局。为实现稳增长而做好稳就业工作;为实现转方式调结构而做好提高劳动力素 - The new leadership of the Central Government made it clear that the people’s expectation is what the government places on its agenda. The current Central Government even emphasizes: In the past five years, there are many tasks that require a concentrated focus on three things: continuously developing economy, continuously improving people’s livelihood, and promoting social fairness. This is not only the central government’s plan of running a country as determined by the expectations of hundreds of millions of people but also the center and overall task of the work in the entire country. In terms of employment, we must closely center on this center and serve this overall situation. In order to achieve steady growth and do a good job in employment; To achieve the transfer of structural adjustment and improve labor force
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