分娩引起缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)作为神经运动障碍的主要原因是长期以来激烈争论的话题。长期前瞻性研究表明,分娩时缺氧引起新生儿严重代谢性酸中毒与发病率和死亡率显著增高有关。除新生儿期急性发病外,在HIE基础上产生的神经运动障碍对于脑瘫(CP)具有特别重要的意义。 持续电子监护胎心率及联合应用其它方法判断分娩时胎儿状况,如胎儿头皮血血气分析,有望尽早识别缺氧和及时终止妊娠,不仅能避免产时胎儿死亡,而且还能避免低氧引起的器官损害,特别是HIE。CP的发生率约为2/1000活产,其中10%~
The main cause of birth-induced hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) as a neuromotor disorder is a long-debated topic. Long-term prospective studies have shown that neonatal hypoxia during labor caused by severe metabolic acidosis with morbidity and mortality were significantly higher. In addition to the acute onset of neonatal disease, neurological dyskinesia based on HIE is of particular importance for cerebral palsy (CP). Continuous electronic monitoring of fetal heart rate and combined with other methods to determine the status of fetus during childbirth, such as fetal scalp blood gas analysis, is expected to identify hypoxia as soon as possible and timely termination of pregnancy, not only to avoid labor-borne fetal death, but also to avoid hypoxia-induced Organ damage, especially HIE. The incidence of CP is about 2/1000 live births, of which 10% ~