目的探讨减少布 -加综合征的误诊误治措施。方法分析布 -加综合征 (Budd-Chiari syndrome) 46例的临床资料。结果 133例有误诊经过 ,平均误诊时间 5 .3年 ;2下肢病变为本病的主要表现 ,占 84.8% ;3彩色超声多普勒探查肝静脉及下腔静脉 ,10 0 %均有阳性征象发现 ,而误诊的病例均未做该项检查 ;4仅 4.3%患者的病毒标记为阳性 ,不超过一般人群阳性率。结论布 -加综合征症状多变 ,超声多普勒探查肝静脉及下腔静脉是筛查该病的重要手段
Objective To explore ways to reduce misdiagnosis and mistreatment of Budd-Chiari syndrome. Methods The clinical data of 46 Budd-Chiari syndrome patients were analyzed. Results 133 cases were misdiagnosed, the average time of misdiagnosis was 5.3 years. 2 The lower extremity lesions were the main manifestations of the disease, accounting for 84.8%. 3 Color ultrasound Doppler detection of hepatic veins and inferior vena cava, 10% positive signs None of the misdiagnosed cases were found; 4 only 4.3% of the patients were positive for the virus and did not exceed the prevalence of the general population. Conclusion Bu-plus syndrome symptoms vary, ultrasound Doppler exploration of the hepatic vein and inferior vena cava is an important means of screening for the disease