分布在我国长江流域及其以南广大地区的悬棺葬,是一种古老而又奇特的葬尸方式。从本世纪30年代开始,华南地区这种将殓尸棺木高置于临江面水的悬崖峭壁上的丧葬习俗便引起了中外学者的极大兴趣和关注。 在中国悬棺葬一系列文化内涵中,悬棺的升置技术,即如何将殓装尸体的沉重棺木搁置到悬崖峭壁之上,一直是人们颇感兴趣的问题。关于悬棺升置方法,历史文献记载很少,笔者通过多年来在华南地区的实地调查资料,试对中国悬棺的升置技术作一初步探讨,以达到抛砖引玉的目的。
Distributed in China’s Yangtze River valley and its vast area south of the coffin, is an ancient and peculiar way of burial. Since the 1930s, the funeral customs in southern China that placed the coffin high on the cliffs of Linjiang surface water have aroused great interest and attention from Chinese and foreign scholars. Among the series of cultural connotations of the coffin in China, the lifting of the coffin, that is, how to place the heavy coffin of a deceased coffin on a cliff, has always been a topic of considerable interest to people. On the method of ascension of the coffin, the historical records are few. Based on the field survey data in South China for many years, the author tries to make a preliminary discussion on the lifting technology of the Chinese coffin in order to achieve the goal of initiating the proposal.