三年峥嵘岁月 难忘斗争磨砺——记解放战争时期福州一中的爱国民主运动

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解放战争时期城市学生爱国民主运动,是人民战争的重要组成部分,是配合人民解放军粉碎国民党军事进攻的第二条战线,有力地推动了国民党统治区工人、农民、市民斗争的发展。我有幸在福建省立福州中学(现在福州一中)读书时,在中国共产党地下组织的引导下,投身到这一洪流,亲历了斗争的情景,经受了革命锻炼。2008年是福州一中爱国民主运动60周年,也是我入党60周年。回忆这一段历史,禁不住心潮澎湃,感触万千。一、中共是福一中爱国民主运动的领导核心 During the War of Liberation, the city student patriotic democracy movement was an important part of the people’s war and was the second front line with which the People’s Liberation Army smashed the Kuomintang’s military offensive and effectively promoted the development of the struggles among the workers, peasants and citizens in the Kuomintang-ruled areas. I was fortunate enough to go to this torrent and experience the struggle under the guidance of the underground organization of the Chinese Communist Party at the Fuzhou High School in Fuzhou (now one in Fuzhou) and underwent a revolutionary exercise. 2008 is the 60th anniversary of the one pro-democracy movement in Fuzhou and the 60th anniversary of the founding of our party. Memories of this period of history, could not help but surging emotions. First, the CCP is the leading core of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China
High accuracy surface modeling(HASM) is a method which can be applied to soil property interpolation.In this paper,we present a method of HASM combined geograph
2006年7月6日,中印边境乃堆拉山口的边贸通道开放。这是中印边境两国之间唯一的通商路线,重启“丝绸之路”是令人高兴的。回想起四 July 6, 2006, China and India border N
03号秘密油库遭轰炸    抗战时期曾任美国援华空军第十四航空队司令官的陈纳德将军在他的回忆录中,曾提及日谍在广西桂林的破坏活动,但较为简略。随自上世纪90年代以来美英两国二次世界大战相关军情档案解密及台湾国民党军统档案部分解密,当年发生在桂林的日谍案件的真相终于浮出水面……  1943年4月中旬的一天晚上,战时南方军事、政治重镇桂林又响起空袭警报声,8架日军战斗轰炸机袭击了美军第十四航空队03号
With the classical statistical and geostatistical methods,the study of the spatial distribution and its influence factors of soil water,salinity and organic mat
1951年初,天津市公安局破获了一起前美国陆军战略情报处(O.S.S)在津潜伏组织的重大间谍案,逮捕中外间谍21人。这是对国际敌对势力妄图颠覆我 In early 1951, Tianjin Public