1816年,奥地利创办了世界上第一所弱智儿童学校,从此,世界上便有了弱智教育。中国第一所弱智儿童学校建子1979年秋天,从此给中国的弱智儿童带来了希望。山东省文登市聋哑学校于1988年办起“启智班”,两个班共有20多名学生。青年女教师栾艳霞,作为文登市第一个特师弱教班毕业生,踏进聋哑学校,登上“启智”班的讲台,她一腔热血无私地倾注在弱智孩子的心灵上…… (一) 1992年9月的一天,栾艳霞接到录取通知书,从此她踏进了昌乐特师学校的大门,她的专业是学习如何教育弱智儿童。“弱智”其实就是人们常说的“呆子”、“傻子”、“白痴”。可是栾艳霞不后悔当初的选择,
In 1816, Austria founded the first mentally handicapped children’s school in the world. Since then, there has been mentally retarded education in the world. The first mentally handicapped children’s school in China, built in the autumn of 1979, has brought hope to mentally handicapped children in China. Wendeng City, Shandong Province deaf-mute school started in 1988, “Kai-class”, two classes a total of more than 20 students. Young female teacher Luan Yanxia, Wendeng City, as the first special teacher weakened class graduates, entered the deaf-mute school, boarded the “intellectual” classes podium, she was a chamber of unselfish devotion in mentally handicapped children’s hearts ...... (1) On the day of September 1992, Luan Yanxia received a letter of acceptance, and since then she has entered the door of Changle special school, her specialty is to learn how to educate mentally handicapped children. In fact, “mentally handicapped” people often say “fool”, “idiot”, “idiot.” However, Luan Yanxia do not regret the original choice,