目的摸索并建立小型猪胃溃疡模型。方法使用三种不同刺激性液体通过胃管灌入小型猪胃内,3 h后处死取材,石蜡包埋及冷冻切片,用HE染色,在普通光镜下观察与照相。结果用95%乙醇灌胃后,肉眼观察幽门附近胃黏膜皱襞较完整,色淡红,表面光滑,局部显示有轻微充血、水肿和深红色,镜下显示胃粘膜上皮和胃小凹较完整,但有部分上皮肿胀,出现轻微损伤;用无水乙醇灌胃后,肉眼观察幽门附近胃黏膜皱襞虽较完整,但黏膜暗红颜色的深度和面积均比95%乙醇灌胃模型有明显增加,镜下显示胃黏膜上皮受损,明显变薄,但仍残留少量上皮组织,胃小凹变短,出现明显破损的溃疡面;用36%的冰乙酸灌胃后,肉眼观察胃内壁隆起呈明显白黄色,呈严重缺血坏死状态,镜下显示胃溃疡组织黏膜上皮层损伤严重,部分区域黏膜上皮层完全消失,暴露出固有膜组织。结论用冰乙酸灌胃是比较理想的造模方法。
Objective To explore and establish a miniature pig stomach ulcer model. Methods Three different stimulating liquids were infused into the stomach of small pig via stomach tube. After 3 h, the animals were sacrificed, paraffin-embedded and frozen sections were stained with HE for observation and photography under ordinary light microscope. Results After gavage with 95% ethanol, the gastric mucosal folds near the pylorus were relatively intact, with a pale reddish color and a smooth surface. Some showed slight congestion, edema and deep red in the local area. The gastric mucosal epithelium and gastric pits were relatively intact, But there was some epithelial swelling with slight damage. After gavage with absolute ethanol, although the gastric mucosal folds around the pylorus were more intact, the depth and area of the mucous membrane dark red color were significantly increased compared with the 95% ethanol gavage model, Microscope showed gastric epithelial damage, significantly thinning, but still a small amount of epithelial tissue, gastric pits become shorter, there were obvious lesions of the ulcer surface; with 36% glacial acetic acid gavage, macroscopic observation of the gastric wall uplift was significantly White and yellow, showing severe ischemic necrosis, microscopic examination revealed gastric mucosal epithelial damage in gastric ulcer tissue, part of the mucosal epithelial layer disappeared completely, revealing the inherent membrane organization. Conclusion Gavage with glacial acetic acid is the ideal method of modeling.