第三届腹泻与营养不良国际会议于1994年11月11日~14日在香港召开。代表除来自英联邦国家外,还有法国、日本、越南及东欧等30多个国家200 多名代表参加了会议。我国有70多位学者出席,有的还做为中方副主席主持了有关会议。会议由香港中文大学儿科系及香港儿科学会主办,由英国、加拿大等22个国家的儿科学会共同赞助发起。大会论文200多篇,提倡母乳喂养,口服补液,继续进食,合理用药,改善卫生状况及纠正营养不良是此次大会的主要内容,现介绍如下。
The Third International Conference on Diarrhea and Malnutrition was held in Hong Kong from November 11 to 14, 1994. Representatives from the Commonwealth countries, as well as France, Japan, Vietnam and Eastern Europe more than 30 countries attended the meeting more than 200 representatives. More than 70 scholars in our country attended, and some of them also presided over the meeting as the vice chairman of China. Organized by the Department of Pediatrics, Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Pediatric Society, the conference was sponsored by the Pediatric Society of 22 countries including the United Kingdom and Canada. More than 200 articles of the congress, promote breastfeeding, oral rehydration, continue eating, rational drug use, improve health status and correct malnutrition is the main content of the General Assembly, are presented below.