【摘 要】
To analyze the effect of wood vinegar on seed germination and seedling growth, the seeds of corn are dipped in wood vinegar of different densities. The results
【机 构】
College of Agricultural Engineering,Institute of Biomass Energy Research
Xiniang Production And Construction Corps Industrial Research Project;Study on Agricultural residue making wood vinegar Pyrolysis Process and Device;广东省自然科学基金
To analyze the effect of wood vinegar on seed germination and seedling growth, the seeds of corn are dipped in wood vinegar of different densities. The results showed that significant effects were found through all the treatments on the seed germination rate, the seed germinating energy and the germinating index. The regress CUBICS curves were developed to describe the relation. The reasonable parameters range was obtained. At the same time, the com was cultivated by wood vinegar of different densities, aiming to study the effect of wood vinegar on biomass. It showed that all treatments had obvious effects on the seedling length and dry weight aboveground, the chlorophyll and dry weight underground were not included. The research results could be used to direct the wood vinegar deeply refining process and product development.
The use of PC + PLC integrated automati
为了从分子水平上对1株致病性罗非鱼链球菌进行分类学鉴定,利用原核生物16SrRNA基因通用引物对分离纯化的罗非鱼致病性链球菌进行16S rRNA基因的克隆及序列分析。结果扩增出
目的 探讨高容量血液滤过(HVHF)和连续性静脉静脉滤过透析(CVVHDF)两种模式治疗脓毒症的效果.方法 18例脓毒症患者按随机数字表法分为两组,A组(HVHF模式,10例)置换液流速4L/h