【摘 要】
For isotropic dielectric thin films, polarization effect is an inherent characteristic. As it will make the performance of optical-electric system go to bad, such polarization-dependent properties are often intolerable and should be eliminated in many app
【机 构】
【出 处】
For isotropic dielectric thin films, polarization effect is an inherent characteristic. As it will make the performance of optical-electric system go to bad, such polarization-dependent properties are often intolerable and should be eliminated in many applications. In this paper, based on a micro- and nano-optical structure whose period consists of four parts, a polarization insensitive filter is obtained by combining rigorous wave theory and multi-objective immune optimization algorithm. Its working wavelength is 1315 nm which is often used in laser systems. The results of our design show that TE and TM polarized waves have reflectivities of 0.482 and 0.485, respectively at designed wavelength of 1315 nm. And it denotes that two values are both close to the design values, their difference is only 0.003, and polarization deviation is also very little. Therefore, the designed filter can eliminate the effect of polarization deviation very well at 1315 nm wavelength.
Imatinib is the standard first line treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Owing to doserelated toxicities of Imatinib such as neutropenia, there is scope for treatment optimization through therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). Trough concentration of
作为新型激光吸收介质, 氧化石墨烯以其独特的电子结构和光学性质已经展现出巨大优势。本文展示了单层氧化石墨烯的吸收光谱和成像在外电场作用下会发生2-3倍的强度变化, 吸收成像体现了单层氧化石墨烯光学特性的各向异性, 吸收强度的变化直接反映了电场对单层氧化石墨烯光学吸收性质的可逆操控。利用氧化石墨烯中极性含氧官能团在电场作用下的极化效应, 改变电子局域态密度分布, 从而改变单层氧化石墨烯的光学吸收特性, 为制备新型可调谐激光吸收介质奠定基础。
The real-time measurement of the polarization and phase information of light is very important and desirable in optics. Metasurfaces can be used to achieve flexible wavefront control and can therefore be used to replace traditional optical elements to pro
以光纤光栅传感器为测量手段实现了基于快速应变响应的结构模态分析。根据位移模态分析的基本原理,推导了应变模态参数识别算法,能够仅根据应变响应数据计算结构的模态参数。搭建了一套采样率为5 000Hz的光纤光栅快速应变采集系统,进行了等截面悬臂梁的光纤光栅应变模态试验并识别了悬臂梁的前5阶模态参数。光纤光栅方法与有限元分析结果相比,固有频率相对误差小于0.6%,比基于电传感器的位移模态测试结果更接近理论
In this paper, a new method for the rapid, economical and convenient detection of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in jujube is proposed and verified. Based on near-infrared (NIR) fiber spectroscopy combined with stoichio-metric analysis, the cAMP co