松辽盆地的西缘边界断裂带,又称嫩江-八里罕断裂带,位于东北地区中部,大兴安岭的东缘,传统认识上认为其为一条NNE向的大型正断层或拆离断层.通过对断裂带中南段楼子店,岭下地区韧性变形岩石构造要素系统测量和统计,显微构造观察,有限应变测量,石英组构EBSD(电子背散射衍射)分析和变形带白云母40Ar/39Ar年代学等方面的对比研究,证实断裂带南段楼子店地区与中段岭下地区变形岩石具有相同的变形组构特征,应为同一断裂带同期变形的产物,初步确定了松辽盆地西缘边界断裂带中南段在早白垩世早期(~130 Ma)曾经历左行走滑变形阶段;通过对断裂带两侧西拉木伦河缝合带和倭勒根岩群展布的研究,确定嫩江-八里罕断裂带的现今累计走滑位移量在40~50 km之间.
The boundary fault zone of the western margin of the Songliao Basin, also known as the Nenjiang-Balirika fault zone, is located on the eastern edge of the northeastern region and the Greater Hinggan Mountains. It is considered as a large normal fault or detachment fault of the NNE direction in the traditional understanding. Systematic Surveying and Statistics, Microstructure Observation, Finite Strain Measurement, EBSD (Electronic Backscatter Diffraction) Analysis of Quartz Structure and Deformation Belt Muscovite 40Ar / 39Ar It is confirmed that the deformed rocks in the Louzidian area in the southern segment of the fault zone and the deformed rock in the Lingxia area in the middle segment have the same deformation structural features and should be the product of the same fault zone deformation during the same period. The boundaries of the western margin of the Songliao Basin In the early Cretaceous (~ 130 Ma), the central-southern fault zone experienced a left-lateral strike-slip deformation stage. Based on the study of the distribution of the West Ramonlun suture zone and the Inlegenan rock mass on both sides of the fault zone, The current cumulative strike-slip displacement of the Baganhan fault zone ranges from 40 to 50 km.