设计了一款应用于4G手机终端新型六频段天线。采用倒L型、U型、S型辐射枝节获得多频特性;短路加载技术让低于谐振频率的点达到阻抗匹配;耦合馈电方式代替传统的直接馈电以减小阻抗波动,获得较宽频带。该天线尺寸仅占70 mm×16 mm×1.5 mm,能够覆盖手机通信的6个频段:LTE700,CDMA/GSM850,GSM900,DCS1800,PCS1900,WCDMA/UMTS2100。测试结果表明,在工作频段内,散射参数S11≤-6d B,电压驻波比VSWR≤3,均达到工程要求的指标,验证了设计的可行性。
Designed a new type of six-band antenna used in 4G mobile terminal. Multi-frequency characteristics are obtained by using inverted L-shaped, U-shaped and S-shaped radiated branches. Short-circuit loading technology enables impedance matching at points lower than the resonant frequency. Coupled feeding instead of traditional direct feed reduces impedance fluctuation to obtain wider frequency band. The antenna measures only 70 mm × 16 mm × 1.5 mm and covers 6 frequency bands for handset communication: LTE700, CDMA / GSM850, GSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900, WCDMA / UMTS2100. The test results show that the scattering parameters S11≤-6d B and the VSWR≤3, all meet the engineering requirements in the operating frequency band, which verifies the feasibility of the design.