著名语言学家高华年教授任主编,叶国泉、余伟文教授任副主编的《广东省志·方言志》,已于今年3月由广东人民出版社出版,全书计75万字,内容丰富,装帧精良,印刷精美,是一部十分值得收藏的好书。 作为省志的分志正式出版的方言著作,这是广东省有史以来的第一部。况且,广东省的方言是全国汉语方言最复杂的省份,使本书的编写很具难度。本书在论述方言形成的过程,处理粤、客家、闽三大方言的关系上,作了很好的探索,不乏创新。笔者在此谨述初读心得,就教于作者和读者。
The famous linguist Professor Gao Hua Nian, chief editor, Ye Guochuan, Professor Yu Weiwen associate editor of the “Guangdong Dialect” is in March this year by the Guangdong People’s Publishing House, the book counts 750,000 words, rich in content, well-framed, Beautifully printed, is a very good book worth collecting. The official publication of the dialect as a part of provincial records, which is the first in history in Guangdong Province. Moreover, the dialect in Guangdong Province is the most complicated province in the national Chinese dialect, making the preparation of this book very difficult. This book made a very good exploration on the process of dialect formation, handling of the relations between the three major dialects of Guangdong, Hakka and Min, and there are many innovations. I hereby read the first reading experience, teach the author and reader.