我科自 1998~ 2 0 0 0年对 10例恶性肿瘤浸润皮肤所致皮肤溃疡患者 ,应用胶原蛋白海绵局部湿敷治疗 ,取得了满意的效果。1 临床资料1.1一般资料 本组共 10例 ,男 6例 ,女 4例 ,年龄 38~ 6 5岁 ,平均 5 1.5岁。其中腮腺癌皮肤浸润 2例 ,乳腺癌皮肤浸润 2例 ,贲门癌、胃癌因?
Our department from 1998 to 2000 on 10 cases of malignant tumor skin lesions caused by skin ulcers, the application of collagen sponge topical wet treatment, and achieved satisfactory results. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information The group of 10 patients, 6 males and 4 females, aged 38 to 65 years old, with an average of 5 1.5 years old. Including parotid cancer skin infiltration in 2 cases, 2 cases of breast cancer skin infiltration, cardiac cancer, gastric cancer due to?