在3个葡萄园内进行叶面喷锌试验[品种为无核白,小西拉(Petite Syrah)和亚历山大],从1977年秋开始进行不同间隔期的喷布,然后在翌年春季从花前四周开始隔周喷布,到座果期为止。采收时调查着果和果实发育情况,以确定喷布效果。看出花前两周——盛花期喷布效果最好。早春和晚春喷布效果尚可,但有效程度和一致性差些。秋季喷布效果甚微或无效。在无核白葡萄园内进行了白天(下午1点钟)和晚间(夜间11点)喷布的对比试验。通过梢尖含锌量和浆果的分析以及产量测定,看出这两种处理的效果相同。
Zinc spraying on the foliage of three vineyards [varieties without nucleus, Petite Syrah and Alexandria], spraying at different intervals from the autumn of 1977 and then beginning in the following spring four weeks before flowering Spray every other week, until the fruit period. Harvest to investigate the fruit and fruit development to determine the effect of the spray. See two weeks before flowering - full bloom spray effect best. Early spring and late spring spray effect is acceptable, but less effective and consistency. Fall spray effect is minimal or invalid. In the non-nuclear white vineyard in the daytime (1 o’clock in the afternoon) and evening (11 o’clock in the evening) sprayed contrast test. Through the tip zinc content and berry analysis and yield determination, we can see the same effect of these two treatments.