作为本次中非合作论坛的重要组成部分,11月4日至5日,由中国贸促会和商务部共同主办的第二届中非企业家大会在人民大会堂胜利召开,中国国务院总理温家宝和27位非洲国家总统、6位政府首脑,以及中国和非洲工商界代表近1800人出席。在会后举办的中非企业家对口业务洽谈中,共达成了260多项合作意,其中, 11家中方企业与非洲企业伙伴现场签订了16个合作协议,共计金额约19亿美元。引人注目的还有,经国务院批准,中国贸促会与非洲工商联盟签署协议,正式成立了中国-非洲联合工商会。这一机制的建立,将成为中非之间开展务实经贸与投资合作的有效平台。
As an important part of this Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the 2nd China-Africa Entrepreneurs Conference, co-sponsored by CCPIT and the Ministry of Commerce, was successfully held from 4 to 5 November in the Great Hall of the People. Wen Jiabao, Premier of China’s State Council, and 27 Nearly 1,800 were presidents of African countries, six heads of government, and business representatives from China and Africa. More than 260 cooperation projects were signed between the two sides after the meeting. Among them, 11 Chinese enterprises signed 16 cooperation agreements with African business partners for a total amount of about 1.9 billion U.S. dollars. What attracted people’s attention was that with the approval of the State Council, China’s CCPIT signed an agreement with the African Business Federation to formally set up the China-Africa Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The establishment of this mechanism will become an effective platform for pragmatic economic, trade and investment cooperation between China and Africa.