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阶跃信号在地震仪的脉冲标定和检查中获得了广泛应用。在我国基准地震台上,已开始用阶跃信号对基式地震仪(SK)作例行检查。但是,这种检查只能定性地说明仪器的工作状态有无异常,而不能对仪器基本常数的变化进行定量估计。因此,起不到监视仪器常数变化的作用,降低了脉冲检查的意义。 国外有些工作涉及到了脉冲检查与仪器基本常数之间的定量关系,但是,它们只是讨论了周期、阻尼、放大倍数孤立变化对响应波形产生的影响,而在实际观测中,仪器基本常数的变化是相互关联的。 在这篇文章中,作者首先导出了用阶跃信号进行检查时,仪器的运动方程,并用拉普拉斯变换方法求解该方程,得出了仪器响应的解析表达式,进而讨论了实际当中可能发生的仪器参数变化的几种情况及其与仪器基本常数之间的关系。作者计算出在各种可能变化情况下的仪器响应波形。在分析响应波形与仪器参数、基本常数变化之间的关系时,引进了响应波形特征参数的概念。给出了从地震图上能够识别的特征参数的最小变化范围,从而在仪器基本常数变化与响应波形特征参数变化之间建立了定量关系。文章最后给出了在各种变化情况下所能识别的基本常数变化范围及其可靠性。 The step signal is widely used in the pulse calibration and inspection of seismographs. At our country’s base station, we have begun to use a step signal to conduct a routine inspection of the base seismograph (SK). However, this test can only qualitatively indicate whether the working condition of the instrument is abnormal, and can not quantitatively estimate the change of the basic constants of the instrument. Therefore, it is impossible to monitor the change of the constant of the instrument and reduce the significance of the pulse inspection. Some work abroad involves the quantitative relationship between pulse inspection and the basic constants of the instrument. However, they only discuss the influence of the periodical, damping and magnification isolation on the response waveform. In the actual observation, the change of the basic constant of the instrument is Inter-related. In this article, the author first derives the equation of motion of the instrument when it is examined with a step signal and uses the Laplace transform method to solve the equation to arrive at an analytical expression of the instrument’s response, and then discusses the possible Occurrence of several changes in the parameters of the instrument and its relationship with the basic constants of the instrument. The author calculates the instrument response waveforms for all possible variations. In analyzing the relationship between response waveforms and instrument parameters and basic constant changes, the concept of response waveform characteristic parameters was introduced. The smallest range of the characteristic parameters that can be identified from the seismogram is given, which establishes a quantitative relationship between the change of the basic constant of the instrument and the change of the characteristic parameters of the response waveform. Finally, the article gives the scope of variation of basic constants and its reliability which can be identified under various changes.
本工作用气相色谱法测定了亚丁酸—水二元体系25℃时的气液平衡,并计算了活度系数,超额自由能和超额自由能函数。 In this work, the gas-liquid equilibrium at 25 ℃ was
中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平2 014年11月26日上午在北京亲切会见全国离退休干部先进集体和先进个人代表,并发表重要讲话。他强调,老干部工作是非常重要的
通过对大学生参与体育社团现状进行调查,发现大学生了解和参与体育社团状况不容乐观,对体育社团组织管理不甚完善,本文拟就存在的问题提出相应的对策。 By investigating th