Transparent sunshine, pure blue sky, green trees, laterites, colorful costumes, silver Pei Jin, mysterious sacrificial ghosts, worship God, for the joy of love and songs and dance festival ... ... these people feel a simple sense of life Indulge in the illusion of a variety of factors in the form factor, created a modern heavy painting in Yunnan Province, it can be said that modern heavy painting Yunnan, Yunnan is very suitable for this piece of land product of nature. Originally, two art youths from Beijing to Yunnan, Jiang Fengfeng and Ding Shaoguang, had never expected that these “indigenous products” in Yunnan would bring great reputations and wealth to them. They are only amazed at the fact that Yunnan’s sun, mountains, land and splendid culture can not be represented by any existing art style. As the country rotates in the red storm, they indulge in the exploration of formal beauty, indulging in a world of lines and colors, and gradually, Yunnan’s clump trees, maiden, sun and plants are lined with graceful lyric lines And this line is in painter