1994年6月,辽宁省第二建筑工程公司被中国施工企业管理协会授予“1993年全国优秀施工企业”。听到这个消息企业的全体员工深受鼓舞,感到自豪,同时也不约而同地想到深受大家信赖和敬重的公司总经理胡毅力同志。 辽宁二建公司近几年艰苦创业所取得的可喜成果,凝结着胡毅力同志这位年轻企业家的智慧和心血。
In June 1994, the Second Construction Engineering Company of Liaoning Province was awarded the “National Excellent Construction Enterprise in 1993” by the China Construction Enterprise Management Association. Hearing this news, all the employees of the company were encouraged and proud. At the same time, they all came up with comrade Hu Yili, general manager of the company who was deeply trusted and respected. The gratifying results achieved by Liaoning II Construction Company in recent years with arduous pioneering have condensed the wisdom and efforts of this young entrepreneur, Comrade Hu Yili.