尊敬的各位女士们、先生们,各位专家学者: 今天,来自海峡两岸的豫剧工作者、研究者聚集在这里,将对豫剧发展的诸多论题,展开学术研讨。首先我谨代表中国艺术研究院,向大家表示真诚的欢迎和衷心的感谢。中国戏曲的发展有着悠久而灿烂的历史,不同的文化传统、不同的风土人情、不同的审美风尚造就了丰富多彩的声腔剧种。豫剧正是梆子腔在河南流布之后,与河南方音土韵结合而产生的艺术结晶。随着时代的变
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Experts and Scholars: Today, practitioners and researchers from both sides of the Taiwan Straits gather together to conduct academic discussions on many topics concerning the development of opera. First of all, on behalf of the China Academy of Art, I would like to extend my sincere welcome and my sincere thanks to all of you. The development of Chinese opera has a long and splendid history. Different cultural traditions, different cultures and customs, and different aesthetic styles have created a rich and colorful soundtrack. The opera is precisely the sub-cavities in Henan after the cloth, with the combination of Henan local rhyme produced art crystallization. With the changing times