蜂花粉是植物雄性花蕊上的粉状颗粒与蜜蜂的特殊分泌物的结合体,有较高营养价值。我们按照《食品安全性毒理学评价程序》对某厂研制的蜂花粉(葵花)进行了毒性检测,结果如下: 急性毒性试验用昆明种小鼠50只,体重18~
Bee pollen is a combination of powdery particles on the male flower of plant and the special secretion of bees, which has high nutritional value. According to “Food Safety Toxicology Evaluation Procedure”, a bee pollen (sunflower) developed by a factory was tested for toxicity. The results are as follows: 50 acute Kunming mice were used for acute toxicity test, weighing 18 ~