对常规的带有棱镜对色散补偿的四镜腔固体克尔透镜锁模激光器 ,现有文献只考虑晶体的材料色散而忽略了晶体的斜入射所带来的角色散 .首次给出了由于在晶体处的斜入射 ,不同波长的光线在该激光谐振腔中的振荡回路 .给出了考虑晶体处的斜入射后二阶、三阶色散的解析表达式 .并计算了斜入射带来的对激光晶体和棱镜对系统二阶、三阶色散的影响 .
For the conventional four-mirror solid-state Kerr lens mode-locked laser with prism dispersion compensation, the existing literature considers only the material dispersion of the crystal and neglects the angular dispersion caused by the oblique incidence of the crystal. For the first time, The oblique incident of the crystal and the oscillation loop of the light of different wavelengths in the laser cavity are given.The analytical expressions of second order and third order dispersion considering the oblique incidence of the crystal are given.The Influence of Laser Crystal and Prism on Second and Third Order Dispersion of System.