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全市党政机关的同志们:你是否注意到现在国际油价一路走高?你是否想起沙尘暴遮天蔽日?你是否忘记上个月的电价上涨和酝酿中的水价提高……其实,这都是我们面临的资源问题的外在表现。我们都知道,水、土地、能源等自然资源,是我们赖以生存和发展的基础,是经济可持续发展的重要物质保障。但这些资源 Comrades of the party and government organs of the whole city: Have you noticed that international oil prices have gone up all the time? Do you remember the dust storms disappear? Have you forgotten the last month’s electricity price hike and the rising water price in brewing ... In fact, these are all our Facing the external manifestation of the resource problem. We all know that natural resources such as water, land and energy are the foundation on which we depend for survival and development and are an important material guarantee for sustainable economic development. But these resources
手机丢失引致隐私外泄    据2011年1月针对18至54岁之间的500位成年人的线上手机安全调查的结果显示,84%的受害者认为,手机丢失或被盗后,最糟糕的是丢失家人朋友等的联系信息,而且还会带来极大的不便。“气恼”(55.96%)、“受挫”(51%)和“烦躁”(46%)是事发后人们涌现出的三大主要感受。85%的受害者称让他们抓狂的是,手机被盗或丢失后自己竟束手无策,既不能远程锁定该设备,也不能删