1 资料和方法 1.1 一般资料:本组42例49眼,其中男17例,女25例。就诊年龄1个月~5岁,其中1~3个月9例,4~6个月18例,7~12个月12例,1~5岁3例。右眼19例,左眼16例,双眼7例。患儿均有溢泪伴脓性分泌物病史。 1.2 治疗方法:所有病例均在门诊进行治疗。(1)泪道加压冲洗法。患儿取仰卧位,由家长配合固定头部及四肢,采用经泪小点注入庆大霉素稀释液适当加压冲洗泪囊内分泌物及脓液,每日1次,连续观察1~4周。若无效,则改泪道探通术治疗。(2)泪道探通术。在1%地卡因表面麻醉下,先用庆大霉素
1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information: The group of 42 cases 49 eyes, 17 males and 25 females. The patients were from 1 month to 5 years old, of which 9 cases were 1-3 months, 18 cases were 4-6 months, 12 cases were 7-12 months and 3 cases were 1-5 years old. 19 cases of right eye, 16 cases of left eye, 7 eyes. Children have a history of tears with purulent secretions. 1.2 Treatment: All cases are treated in the clinic. (1) lacrimal pressure flushing method. Children with supine position, with the parents with the fixed head and limbs, the use of punctate punctate into the gentamycin diluent appropriate pressure flush lacrimal sac secretions and pus, 1 day, continuous observation of 1 to 4 weeks . If invalid, then change lacrimal exploration exploration. (2) lacrimal exploration technology. Under 1% dexamethasone topical anesthesia, first with gentamicin