
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mdjsh123
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淮南多湿稻茬生态类型区麦田,常年“三水”(地表、地下、潜层)淤滞,多湿积涝成渍,严重影响小麦产量的提高。固始县石佛店乡农民技术员、全国人大代表裴世侠同志,多年来依据豫南特定的气候、土壤条件、生产水平及影响小麦生育的生态因素,在实践中探索出麦田边沟移位技术。具体方法是将边沟内移离埂3米起一条厢沟,宽21 Huainan more wet rice stubble ecotypes of wheat fields, perennial “Sanshui ” (surface, underground, sub-stratum) stasis, wet and waterlogged into stains, seriously affecting the wheat yield increase. For years, Comrade Pei Shixia, a farmer technician from Shifudian Township in Gushi County and comrade Pei Shixia from NPC deputies, has for many years explored the technology of shifting the side ditches of wheat fields in practice based on the specific climate, soil conditions, production levels and the ecological factors that affect the growth of wheat in southern Henan. The specific method is to move away from the ditch 埂 3 meters from a car ditch, width 21
Routing and path selection are crucial for many communication and logistic applications. We study the interaction between nodes and packets and establish a simp
Ac-Stark shift of atom levels is caused by an ac-electromagnetic field.As an electromagnetic wave,laser light does induce ac-Stark shift.It is proved experiment
铁人王进喜是个受苦受难的孩子  那时候中国正处在水深火热中  千疮百孔,民不聊生  在玉门赤金堡苍凉黑暗的寒冬  六岁的王进喜,牵着双目失明的父亲  沿街乞讨,一个人一家人的苦难  与祖国的苦难一样沉重  1949 年,新中国诞生了  那个穷苦的孩子成了玉门油田  一名石油工人,翻身得解放  他感受到的不仅仅是  能吃上饭能穿上衣  感受最深的是做了主人  腰杆硬了脊梁骨直了  新中国比他的父亲母