目的:分析重型和危重型2019新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者临床特征。方法:收集北京市属医院援鄂医疗队2020年1月29日至2月26日在华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院西院区收治的58例重型和危重型COVID-19患者的临床资料。回顾性分析患者一般情况、临床症状、实验室检查、影像学资料、治疗方案及转归情况。结果:58例患者中,重型36例(62.1%),危重型22例(37.9%),男性28例(48.3%),女性30例(51.7%),年龄(62.12±12.95)岁。既往有基础疾病者28例(48.2%),其中高血压21例(36.2%),糖尿病11例(19.0%),冠心病6例(10.3%),慢性肾功能不全2例(3.4%),恶性肿瘤1例(1.7%)。发热54例(93.1%),咳嗽/咳痰46例(79.3%),胸闷/呼吸困难48例(82.8%),乏力/肌肉酸痛32例(55.2%),咽痛15例(25.9%),腹泻6例(10.3%)。实验室检查:白细胞减低7例(12.1%),白细胞升高6例(10.3%),淋巴细胞比例减低35例(60.3%),中性粒细胞比例升高27例(46.6%),血红蛋白下降24例(41.4%),CRP升高38例(65.5%),ALT升高32例(55.2%),AST升高25例(43.1%),LDH升高39例(67.2%),白蛋白减低43例(74.1%),PCT升高36例(62.1%),D-二聚体升高45例(77.5%)。CT影像学主要特点为双肺弥漫性病变,双肺多发斑片影及磨玻璃影伴支气管充气征,以肺外带明显,多数患者存在双肺大面积实变影伴小叶间隔增厚。所有患者中,鼻导管吸氧9例(15.5%),面罩吸氧33例(56.9%),高流量鼻导管氧疗8例(13.3%),有创机械通气8例(13.3%);口服或静脉应用广谱抗菌药物29例(50%),临时或短期应用糖皮质激素14例(24.1%)。转归:痊愈出院21例(36.2%),病情平稳未达出院标准27例(46.6%),病情加重转ICU 3例(5.2%),死亡7例(12.1%)。[不简约]结论:重型和危重型COVID-19在老年人和存在基础病者发生风险更高,临床症状及肺部CT影像学表现较重,多数患者一般情况较差,容易发生混合感染,肝功能损伤,深静脉血栓等多种合并症,病死率高。对此类患者应尽早开展综合性治疗,改善预后,降低死亡率。“,”Objective:To analyze the clinical features of severe or critical 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) patients.Methods:Clinical data of 58 patients with severe or critical NCP in Wuhan Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology from January 29 to February 26, 2020 were collected. The general information, clinical symptoms, results of blood test and chest computed tomography (CT) imagings, treatments and outcomes of patients were analyzed retrospectively.Results:Among the 58 patients, 36 patients (62.1%) were severe and 22 (37.9%) were critical, 28 (48.3%) were male and 30 (51.7%) female, with an average age of (62.12±12.95) years. Twenty-eight patients (48.2%) had previous underlying diseases, including 21 patients (36.2%) with hypertension, 11 patients (19.0%) with diabetes mellitus, 6 patietns (10.3%) with coronary heart disease, 2 patients (3.4%) with chronic renal failure, and 1 patient (1.7%) with malignant tumor. The symptoms included fever (54 cases, 93.1%), dyspnea (48 cases, 82.8%), cough (46 cases, 79.3%), muscle soreness (32 cases, 55.2%), sore throat (15 cases, 25.9%), and diarrhea (6 cases, 10.3%). Decreased or increased white blood cell count was found in 7 patients (12.1%) and 6 patietns (10.3%). Decreased percent of lymphocyte, increased percent of neutrophil, and decreased hemoglobin level were found in 35 patients (60.3%), 27 patients (46.6%), and 24 patients (41.4%), respectively. Elevated CRP, PCT and D-dimmer level were demonstrated in 38 patients (65.5%), 36 patients (62.1%), and 45 patients (77.5%). Increased level of ALT, AST, LDH and decreased serum albumin were found in 32 patients (55.2%), 25 patients (43.1%), 39 patietns (67.2%) and 43 patietns (74.1%), respectively. The main features of CT imaging were diffuse lesion in both lungs, which were mainly manifested as multiple patchy shadows and ground-glass shadows, bilateral and peripheral distribution, consolidation and interlobular septal thickening. Twenty-nine patients (50.0%) were treated with antibiotics, and 14 patients (24.1%) with systemic glucocorticoid. In addition to supportive and antivirus treatment, oxygen therapy methods including nasal catheter (9 cases, 15.5%), oxygen mask (33 cases, 56.9%), high-flow nasal catheter (8 cases, 13.3%) and invasive mechanical ventilation were adopted. Twenty-one patients (36.2%) were discharged from the hospital, 27 patients (46.6%) in remission were still in the isolation wards, 3 patients (5.2%) were transferred to the ICU for further treatment, and 7 patients (12.1%) died.Conclusions:Severe and critical NCP are at higher risk in the elderly and those having underlying diseases. Severe/critical NCP patients often show extrapulmonary abnormity as well as lung dysfunction. Comprehensive treatment as early as possible is the key to improve the prognosis and reduce the mortality.