
来源 :中国人才 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hngscg
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近年来,各地因地制宜、大胆创新,在提高军转干部教育培训工作的针对性和实效性上下功夫,取得了明显成效。但由于受思想观念、教学条件、时间约束等因素的影响,培训重点往往放在教授法规知识、掌握相关技能上,对军转干部心理健康问题关注不够,致使部分军转干部在安置过程中,情绪起伏较大,心理包袱较重,影响了安置工作的正常开展。思想是行为的先导。人们的心态状况与理念特点是行为的“发源地”与“出发点”。端正行为,转变角色,心态是关键。心态的转变,首先要消除心理障 In recent years, various localities have worked hard to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the education and training of cadres of military-to-military work in accordance with local conditions and bold innovations and achieved remarkable results. However, due to the influence of ideological concepts, teaching conditions, time constraints and other factors, the focus of training is often placed on the teaching of laws and regulations, mastery of relevant skills, and insufficient attention to the psychological health problems of military cadres. As a result, Emotional ups and downs, heavier psychological burden, affecting the normal implementation of resettlement work. Thought is the forerunner of behavior. People's mentality and ideological characteristics of the behavior of the “birthplace” and “starting point”. Correct behavior, changing roles, attitude is the key. Psychological changes, we must first eliminate psychological barriers