荷兰的港口城市阿姆斯特丹是17世纪欧洲各国宫廷瞩目的焦点,大量来自中国和日本的瓷器、家具和其他艺术品在这里卸货、拍卖,最终流向各宫廷与贵族府邸。荷兰人会收藏本地画家的油画、古董家具等,也必须摆上几件中国瓷器,这对他们来说是一种传统和习惯。“你希望用中国方式还是荷兰方式来还价呢?”佛洛里斯·范德·维恩(Floris J.Van Der Ven)微扬着下巴,表情略显夸张地问一位中国客人。“既然在荷兰,不妨试试你们的方式吧!”
Amsterdam, the port city of the Netherlands, is the focus of attention of all European countries in the 17th century. A large number of porcelain, furniture and other artworks from China and Japan are unloaded here, auctioned, and finally to various palaces and patrician mansions. It is a tradition and habit for Dutch to collect paintings of local painters, antique furniture, and several Chinese porcelain. “Would you like to use the Chinese or the Dutch way to bargain?” Floris J.Van Der Ven raised her chin slightly and asked a Chinese guest with a slightly exaggerated look. “Now in the Netherlands, try your way!”