Analyzing the Methodology of Teaching Listening in Junior Middle School

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  Abstract:Listening is one of the four skills (listening speaking reading and writing).And listening is the main content during English teaching. However, it is the poorest skill among the four skills. This thesis will analyze the methodology of teaching listening in junior middle school. It consists of two parts: first, the difficulties of listening; second, how to develop students' listening skill in language classroom by various activities.
  Key words:listening;difficulty;activity
  Ⅰ. The difficulties of listening
  As technology advances, and trade and exchanges between countries in crease, it is becoming more necessary to understand spoken English in many situations. There are three major difficulties for students listening skill. They are from the language that we are learning, students' psychology and the content which we are listening.
  Ⅱ.How to develop students' listening skill by various activities.
  We have known the difficulties in listening and the principles for teaching listening. So, we can find some specific activities during listening to develop students' listening skill. As we all know, listening is a process. Here, we can divide it into three stages: pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening. In every part, the teachers can design different activities to help the students understand.
  1. Pre-listening activities
  1.1 Predicting
  Some researches in listening has shown that good listeners are good predictors. By helping our students become better predictors, we are helping them become better listeners.
  1.2 Setting the scene
  The teacher can help provide the background information to help the students. The teacher can collect some photos or albums and so on to help set the scene if they are needed.
  1.3 Listening for the gist
  Listening for the gist is similar to ask students one or two questions that focus on the main idea or the tone or mood of the whole passage.
  2. While-listening activities
  The while-listening stage is the most difficult for the teacher to control, because this is where the student needs to pay attention and process the information actively. There are many different kinds of tasks for students to do while they are listening to a message.
  2.1 Listen and tick
  A large part of what makes a listening task easy or difficult is what the teacher asks the students to do with the material. If all the students need to do is tick items as they hear them, the task will be much easier.   2.2 Listen and act
  With beginners, it is easy to with simple commands such as "Stand up." "Sit down." "Walk to the door." "Open the door." etc.
  2.3 Listen and draw
  This type of activity works very well as an information gap activity between pairs of students.
  2.4 Listen and fill
  The students can read along while they listen to something and fill in the blanks with the words that they hear.
  2.5 Listen and guess
  It is helpful to provide a task for the students to do while they are listening. This gives the students a purpose to listen for and helps them focus on the listening itself.
  3. Post-listening activities
  The post-listening stage is where the teacher can determine how well the students have understand what they listened to, but it is important to design the tasks well.
  3.1 Multiple choice questions
  The most typical type of post-listening task is the multiple choice comprehension question.
  3.2 Answering questions
  Instead of multiple choice questions, open-ended questions can be asked.
  3.3 Note-taking and gap-filling
  This is a good example of how while-listening and post-listening is combined. The students take notes while they are listening. When the listening is finished, the students are given two or three minutes to tidy up the notes.
  Since we are teaching our students English not only to help them pass exams, but also to prepare them to use English in real life . We need to give our students a variety of listening exercises to prepare them for real life use of language. We believe a better understanding of the listening process and the spoken language will help us to understand the difficulties that students experience in developing listening skills.
  Reference books:
  [1]He Guangkeng, The Basis of English Teaching and Learning Methods, Ji Nan University Press, 1999
  [2]Gu Xueliang, The Basic Technical Training in English Teaching, Hangzhou University Press, 1998.
  [3]Wilga M.Rivers& Mary S. Temperley, A practical guide to the teaching of English as a second or foreign Language, New York: Oxford University Press, 1978
摘要:随着时代的发展,教育体制的改革,在新课改中明确提出了“积极开发并利用校内外各种课程资源”。课程资源是在新一轮国家基础教育课程改革中所提出的一个重要概念。在教学课堂当中,没有相应的课程资源支持所对应的教学环节,那么再好的讲课方式和课堂氛围都是空谈,教师们很难给予学生优质的教育,课堂效率会受到极大的影响。  关键词:新课改;思想政治;课程资源  就目前而言,在中学的思想政治课堂中,凡是对课堂内容
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摘要:翻转课堂作为一种全新的教学模式,被引入到目前的小学英语课堂之中,有效弥补了传统教学模式的不足,给予学生们更多独立思考与学习的空间;翻转课堂的教学形式,能够让课堂成为学生与教师互动的场所,真正以学生为核心,实现小学英语教学的深化。  关键词:小学英语;翻转课堂;课堂教学  “翻转课堂”是新时代的一种新型教学模式,它是对“填鸭式”传统教学的颠覆。将其合理运用于小学英语课堂教学,可以使学生进入有意
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摘要:由于受到传统教育的影响,我国许多高中为了提高学生的学习成绩,在一定程度上忽视了对学生创造力的培养,以及他们进行独立科学探究能力的提高,无法满足在社会不断发展的过程中对人才的需求。因此,探究式教学模式被引入到教学领域中,使学生通过参与科学探索的方法,来培养分析信息、解决问题、交流合作的能力。尤其是在高中化学教学中,能够在掌握现有化学知识的同时,了解认识自然规律被探索的过程。  关键词:探究式教
摘要:本文分析了新课程背景下高中地理课堂教学策略转化的方法和路径,为培养学生地理综合素养和地理学习兴趣奠定了良好的基础,让素质教育理念更加深入人心。  关键词:新课标;高中地理;策略  教学策略是具体教学情境下教学理论与教学方法的融合,是教师根据学生实际情况动态原则教育方法、解决教学问题的策略。教学策略兼具理论性和方法性,一方面属于低层次的教学理论,另一方面则属于高层次的教学方法;既是解决某一类教
摘要:在高中语文教学中融入传统国学经典,不仅让国学得到继承和发扬,同时也能对高中阶段语文起到一定的优化作用。本次笔者通过传统文化渗透于语文教学当中的重要意义,以及对作者的文化背景、文章赏析、写作思路等的深入了解,对于传统文化渗透于高中语文教学中的教学方法得出以下几点结论。  关键词:国学经典;高中语文;教学渗透  我国拥有悠久的历史,传统文化更是源远流长。这些经典的国粹代表着我国的文化的进步和发展
摘要:我国的教育事业不断发展,根据新课程教学改革的基本目标,生物教师需要积极开展教学实践研究,通过合理的方式方法,不断提升高中生的生物学习水平。创设问题情境能够将关键的生物知识内容提出,能够鼓励学生更好地开展自主探究学习活动,并有效提升高中生的思维能力,达成高效课堂的基本要求。  关键词:高中生物;课堂教学;问题情境  引言:根据新课改的基本目标,为了将人才质量有效提升,并提升其社会指引能力,各个
摘要:物理本就是从生活中而来,主要目的是揭示自然界物质的结构、物体的运动规律。开展初中物理生活化教学,能够帮助学生更好的理解物理知识,激发其深厚的学习兴趣,培养其良好的思维习惯。本文笔者结合自身教学实践,就初中物理生活化教学展开详细探讨,以供同行参考。  关键词:初中;物理;生活化  新课程标准中明确提出,在初中物理教学过程中,教师应对生活中的物理知识予以充分捕捉,以具体的生活现象与实践经验来感悟