健康教育是整体护理的重要内容,做好这项工作,对促进患儿健康恢复,预防疾病,改善护患关系具有积极作用。而小儿科的健康教育,对象特殊,牵涉面广,内容多,要求高。通过对151 例患儿的对比研究,认为:对小儿科这一特殊群体,除要有符合小儿特点,各年龄组可接受的宣教内容以外,还应采取“适时宣教、按需宣教、反复宣教”的方法,方可获得良好的宣教效果。
Health education is an important part of holistic nursing care. To do this work well has a positive effect on promoting children’s health recovery, preventing diseases and improving the relationship between nurses and patients. The pediatric health education, special objects, involving a wide range of content, demanding. Through the comparative study of 151 cases of children, it is considered that this special group of pediatrics should adopt “timely education, on-demand education and repeated education” in addition to the content of education that is acceptable to children and acceptable to all age groups. Method, in order to obtain a good mission results.